Scaling Up – Sourdough Bread

I decided that I’d try scaling up my bake and try four loaves instead of my normal two. I’ve a friend that wanted me to bring some bread to an event. As I think about this I’m always asking myself “What has to be true for THAT to be true?” It started with me makingContinue reading “Scaling Up – Sourdough Bread”

Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 5)

They’re baked!! I’m pretty jazzed by the result. Lots to improve on but a much better outcome than last time! They remind me of little tuna fish actually. A little fat. Need to roll them a bit longer. I did as intending to put them on a scalloped holder and was shaping them a bitContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 5)”

Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 4)

This post has a video of me shaping baguettes. As you can imagine I’m multitasking and probably not doing a good job of anything. Again, this will show me shaping baguettes. I’m new to this. My technique is horrible. I’m trying to record as a way for me to remember what I did. The doughContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 4)”

Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 3)

This is a short post showing me doing a coil fold. I’ve referenced them before but never attempted posting a video. NOTE: This is ME doing it and I’m not an expert in any way! There are plenty of videos on YouTube made by bakers far more experienced than I. Before this I’d snipped offContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 3)”

Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 2)

“Flexibility is the key to AirPower” said Italian airpower theorist Gen. Giulio Douhet. It was one of the first tenets taught to me as a cadet at the US Air Force Academy. I guess it also applies to bread making. My Poolish was rising at a much faster rate than my Leaven. Next time IContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3 (Part 2)”

Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3

Well trying again…. This is already turning out interesting. Mixed the Poolish and Levain today and decided to make the temp of the mix 80°F. My flour was 74.5°F I thought I’d make the water temp 85°F. Both weights of flour and water were 200g … the average would be ~ 80°F. I microwaved myContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes – Attempt #3”

Sourdough Croutons

I mentioned making sourdough croutons first before turning them into breadcrumbs from day old bread (in this case my baguettes). Here are some pics of the process for making the croutons I cut the croutons up by slicing the baguettes (or bread) at about a finger width. I then tear the bread apart or useContinue reading “Sourdough Croutons”

Sourdough Baguettes Alternative Part 3

Well… they looked like baguettes (sorta). Good thing was that I didn’t put my oven out with my massive volume of steam. Secondly, they were sized about right for my scalloped rack and not overhanging. My wife’s comment was: “Why did you change virtually every variable from last time you attempted baguettes? Doesn’t seem likeContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes Alternative Part 3”

Sourdough Baguettes Alternative Part 2

Today is the day to bake baguettes! I’ve been juggling baking schedules in my head since today I’m baking not only these baguettes but sourdough loaves and croissants as well! My morning started out with baking my bread. I’d preloaded my Dutch Ovens and set my oven to preheat this morning. All I had toContinue reading “Sourdough Baguettes Alternative Part 2”

No mixer used at all…

This time I made bread by hand without using my KitchenAid mixer at all I went straight to my tub and mixed the flour and water to begin the Autolyse process. using my Swedish dough hook I mixed in the water, formed a ball, spritzed with water and covered with cling wrap. I’ve mentioned beforeContinue reading “No mixer used at all…”